Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hello, everyone! How are you today? Hope everyone is doing okay.

About Me
So, to begin my new post, I would like to introduce about myself first. I am a full time degree student in a university somewhere in Malaysia. So, if I have lots of broken English, do understand. =) I am now in my 3rd year of study and in my 5th semester.

I am only 21 years old early this January. Young me. =P

I took a subject name "Effective Oral Communication Skills" this semester. Since I found it very interesting, I think of sharing the information about what I learnt in the class with all of you. Maybe this could be a platform for me, and maybe for all of you to understand English more, and improve our communication skills.

I am going to use a very simple and basic English for this blog because I think it will be easier and faster and better to understand; and if I have any mistakes, please don't hesitate to tell me, okay? I am friendly, don't worry.

So, let's begin!

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