Thursday, July 22, 2010

Principles of Oral Communication: The oral communication process (Part 2)

Speech Communication Process

A communication can be done when there are more than one person; a Speaker and a Listener. Basically, a medium is needed in order to perform the communication process successfully. We call it Channel in oral communication. Through this channel, a Speaker can send Messages and he/she will get the Feedback  from the Listener.

As you can see at the picture above, there are two person who are together in a situation. It is call face-to-face communication.

Assuming that the person on the left is the Sender who is sending a message to the person on the right, which appear to be the Receiver or Recipientwho is receiving the message sent by the person on the left.

It is the basic of communication. The message will be sent successfully to the Receiver and the Sender will give a reply or feedback to the message sent to him/her.

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